Reporting Absences
Students who are absent from school must be excused by a parent/guardian each day the student is absent.
It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to report their student’s absence from school by one of the following methods:
- On the day student is absent, a parent/guardian reports the absence by leaving a message on the 24 Hour Attendance Office Hotline at 858-748-7016 before 11:00 a.m, or by emailing [email protected] from parent's valid PUSD registered email. Parents must call or email each day their student is absent.
Provide the following information:- First and last name of student, middle initial (please spell the last name)
- Grade level of student
- The date of the absence(s)
- The reason for the absence(s)
- Name of person excusing absence and their relationship to student
- A contact number that we can call should we have questions
- If a parent/guardian is out of town at the time of a student’s absence, parent/guardians can still call and leave a message to excuse the absence. If possible, parents should notify the school of a responsible party prior to leaving, in case of an emergency, or to excuse their student’s absence(s). If leaving their student under a responsible party’s care, please provide a note prior to leaving with the following information:
- Name of student, first and last
- Grade level of student
- Dates/duration parent/guardian will be out of town
- Person(s) who will be responsible for their student
- Please sign note and leave an emergency contact number
Students who have 12 absences in the current school year for illness or other medical reasons may be requested to bring in a Doctor’s note to excuse any future absences.
Absences that total 12 or more (partial and/or full day) during the year are considered excessive. Whenever possible, please bring doctors’ notes to verify office visits or if under a doctor’s care for chronic illness or other medical reasons. A doctor’s note with specific dates will excuse the corresponding school days a student was absent, as “medically excused”.
Absences that are not reported by the day the student returns to school will be considered as TRUANT and the student will be subject to disciplinary consequences. If a parent/guardian excuses the absence after the 24 hour period, attendance records will be adjusted; however, original consequences remain in effect (typically detention) and students will need to serve them.