Student Services » Peer Counseling

Peer Counseling

Peer Counseling

"Never believe that a few caring people can't change the world. For, indeed, that's all who ever have." --Margaret Mead

Become a Peer Counselor

  • Peer Counselors meet twice a month, on the first and last Tuesday of each month at 7:30 a.m. in room K-1.
  • Karly Wardwell and Monica Taylor are the advisors.
  • Peer Counselors attend a training retreat on campus once per year to prepare them with the skills to help others on campus. 
  • Peer Counselors help with: working in the Student Services Office; volunteering in the community; being mentors for younger students; working at special nights such as Back-to-School Night, and contributing to campus in many other ways that promote peace and wellness.
  • Applications open the beginning of October and interviews are in November. 
  • For students interested in learning counseling skills, there is an additional 5.5 Period class, Piece of Peer Counseling (POPC), that meets on Wednesday mornings with Ms. Lockie. Students must enroll in the 5.5 Period Class at the beginning of each trimester.  These classes earn 5.5 period credits.
For more information on POPC, contact Sherry Lockie - [email protected]


Any student who has a 2.0 gpa may apply for Peer Counseling in the fall to start in January of the following year.  

For applications, click on the links below.

New Students:
1.  Please read The Program Description
2.  Please read The Ethics of PC
3.  Fill out the application and sign up for an interview time slot. Applications open in the fall.
4. Sign up for an interview time slot. 
5.  Email [email protected] if you have any questions.