Parent Forum - "What I Wish My Parents Knew"
In the spring of 2012, after the deaths of some Poway High students, a member of the faith community contacted then principal Scott Fisher to see how his network of youth ministers could work with the school to help students and parents make good choices. A committee comprised of two ministers, two high school principals, a parent, and a PHS Student Services Coordinator then started meeting to see how the faith community could work together with the schools. With the intention of working with parents to inform them of the deadly effects of drugs/alcohol with our youth, we decided to survey our students to see what they wanted their parents to know. The result was a surprise to us, as drugs/alcohol was only one of six topics that teens overwhelmingly found it difficult to talk to their parents about. The result of months of planning was "What I Wish My Parents Knew" forums. Now all five comprehensive high schools are involved and forums are held twice a year, rotating between the high schools.