Resources for Parents
Resources for Parents
Donations sought: The Student Services Office is funded mostly through donations. Every year the office is in jeopardy of not staying open full time if donations aren't received. If you would like to donate, contact Aaron Little at [email protected].Active Parenting Classes are being offered through the District office and the Caring Connections Center. Parent University, a grant funded parent education and support project, is offering a dynamic workshop for parents of students grades 6th-10th. This research-based parenting program offers a proven approach to parenting teens and includes videos, discussions and practical solutions. You will learn how to talk to your teen about sex, violence and drugs; how to solve problems together; how to build your teen's sense of responsibility; how to gain respectful behavior. Effective ways to discipline adolescents will be discussed and ways to make parenting less stressful. Click here for more information about Parent Education classes
Mental Health
- PUSD District Student Support Services Page includes community resources, Caring Connections classes, and services the District offers
- The Caring Connections Center is an integral part of the Student Assistance Program in the Poway Unified School District. These services are available to all students, at all grade levels, from special education to gifted and talented. Families participate in a "Family Conference" during which school perceptions, goals, family concerns, stressors, medical issues, and family background are discussed. The goal is to build on family strengths, encourage self-advocacy, and awareness of community services that will support student well being. For a referral, call Student Services, 748-0245 ext, 5393.
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health A public education Web site, developed to support the efforts of parents and other caring adults to promote mental health and prevent the use of alcohol, tobacco, and illegal drugs among 7- to 18-year-olds.
- San Diego County Mental Health Resources Local information for families about mental health, especially Shizophrenia, Bipolar, Major Depression, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Anxiety Disorders. Includes links and has Crisis and Suicide Prevention Hotlines. Dialing 211 is also a good place to find resources.
- Self Injury Websites: Commonly known as 'cutting', 'self-injury,' or 'self-harm," these sites provide insight into this disorder. Recover Your Life
- Depression: International Found. for Research and Education on Depression
- Eating Disorders Websites: National Eating Disorders
- Grief: American Hospice (teen grief as well); Teens Health; Open to Hope San Diego Hospice and Palliative Care offers support groups for adults and teens experiencing a variety of different losses. These websites all offer understanding and support after the loss of a loved one.
District Drug and Alcohol Prevention District pageDrug Testing Information and Resources
There are many sources of good information and websites available such as:
-;; Substance Abuse and Mental Health
- - educate the public about prescription and over-the-counter medications, drug recalls and the side effects associated with thousands of different drugs.
- SAFIR: Supporting Adolescents and Families in Recovery--a free weekly support group held on the Abraxas High School campus, approved by courts and probation and recovery programs in San Diego County. Contact Vista Hill for more information: 619-698-1665.
- Federally sponsored facts and information.
- Alcoholics Anonymous: Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking.
- Narcotics Anonymous : Narcotics Anonymous can help you find the freedom to live your life without the use of drugs. Narcotics Anonymous is a fellowship or society of men and women for whom drugs had become a major problem.
- Al-Anon & Alateen: To help families and friends of alcoholics recover from the effects of living with the problem drinking of a relative or friend. Similarly, Alateen is the recovery program for young people.
- Guide for Parents about Vaping:
Parenting Help
- Active Parenting Classes are being offered through the District office and the Caring Connections Center. Parent University, a grant funded parent education and support project, is offering a dynamic workshop for parents of students grades 6th-10th. This research-based parenting program offers a proven approach to parenting teens and includes videos, discussions and practical solutions. You will learn how to talk to your teen about sex, violence and drugs; how to solve problems together; how to build your teen's sense of responsibility; how to gain respectful behavior. Effective ways to discipline adolescents will be discussed and ways to make parenting less stressful.
- National Institute of Mental Health an excellent resource for information about mental health and ways to cope during tragedies
- Video Gaming: Entertainment Software Rating Board Rating system for games
- Divorce: Divorce Source Helpful information for parents going through a divorce. Although often aimed at younger children, the advice holds up for teens as well.
- Sexuality: Family Acceptance One family's story about reaching acceptance when their child came out as gay. Answers questions and discusses religious aspects along with a page of resources. Especially for parents of pre-college students, with sections on questions about what's happening and on supporting your child. Tutoring: due to the large number of tutoring companies and individuals in the area, it is recommended you do a personal search. Brochures are available in our Counseling Office.
Parent Suggestions
- Amigos de las Américas is an international, nonprofit organization that was founded in 1965. Amigos offers a summer volunteer opportunity! Amigos trains and provides opportunities for high school and college students to participate in service projects in Latin America. Amigos is dedicated to building partnerships to empower young leaders, advance community development, and strengthen multicultural understanding throughout the Americas. AMIGOS believes in the power and capability of young people to change our world! For more info, visit and check out the local San Diego chapter.